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Writer's pictureBlandine Kouyaté

Individual Free Will and Sovereignty: Founding Principle

Ankata Ltd is dedicated to human transformation and the way we work is driven by key founding principles.

Every human being has free-will and is a sovereign human being

At some point in my professional experience, I was working in a company where I was not in agreement with many things. So, I went to ask myself some questions... 

Can I disagree with my environment and stay in it, or do I have to quit now?

Why do I stay?

And are those right or wrong reasons for me now at this moment in my life? 

Meaning, are they making me stay for the best or do they hijack and influence my decision such as hiding a form of fear or dependency or addiction or lack of full sovereignty in my choices to deliberately be where I am because it is the right and best thing for me and not because I am afraid of not finding another opportunity, afraid of not being able to pay the bills and so on?

In this case, I knew I would leave rather sooner than later and after having evaluated the picture decided to stay for a while. This allowed me to start a conscious and deliberate personal work on my own positioning to remove internal conflict. Things I remember I worked on where like: disagree to some or many aspects of the environment and be respectful at the same time; keep observing the reality of the environment and testing my own discernment but attempt everyday to remove judgment on people; or another important one, remain fully dedicated to work while knowing that I was in the decision making process to quit.

This specific example comes from my professional experience and I could find many others in any part of my life experience. In fact, quite often the environment in which we operate is not totally in tune with who we are, what we think, etc. and we are not able to just leave at this precise moment, not yet, but we also want to be able to remain aligned with who we are.

Managing this ambiguity does not always come naturally to everyone and the world as it is nowadays tells us that it is certainly useful to practice how to deal with ambiguity in any part of our life.

So in my learning path through this, I have come to align myself with universal principles and to sustain them whether the environment would allow it or not. I have learnt not to wait for the external circumstances to allow and authorise me to apply what I feel deep in my heart, even if it means having to deal with an ambiguous positioning for a while. 

This is why Ankata Ltd has been founded on the following principles: 

Every human being has free-will

Many experiences that happen in our daily life also aim to remind us of this: a decision strictly belongs to the one making it. I apply my own will on my own decisions and everyone else’s decision is theirs and only theirs. I cannot apply my individual will on someone else’s decision, I cannot force someone to decide what I want just because it will serve my own interest therefore I can openly share my own views to someone else to inform their decision making but I will not put in place deliberate hidden tactics to get what I want from others unless I have been fully transparent on my exact intention.

We believe at Ankata Ltd that the principle of free-will is an essential foundation and that it is one of our duties as responsible persons to constantly revisit and adjust on this in all aspects of our life to avoid manipulative behaviours.

Any individual is a sovereign human being

This means that a person has their own and full power to determine what they consent with and don’t consent with in any part of their life (education received, relations, activity, society etc) which they can decide to proactively share out loud or to just keep for themselves, the key point here is that they are clear on this within them.

As life is not always simple and straightforward, when one is not clear, the individual responsibility is then to explore and clarify. Why is it so important? Because beyond our physical matter, we are energy and any energy field will be governed by principles. If for our own energy field we do not determine those principles, who will then? If we do not take our own power, who will take it from us? This ability to be a sovereign being will then drive one’s thoughts, words and behaviors everyday.

This is a super important principle that we live on at Ankata Ltd and which drives the way we partner and interact with others.

Those principles represent who we truly are and how we chose to work. We consider this approach as the most ethical and the only way for us to act as conscious leaders in the business world. We start each day with the will to respect those principles in our everyday decisions, behaviours, actions and words.

If anything is unclear or you want to discuss it, please do not hesitate to contact us. We encourage you to come back and read these affirmations during our collaboration.

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