Human beings are like seeds: when nurtured their potential can materialise into a beautiful plant. I have progressively become aware of my own seed composition so I can bring what makes me who I am and re-balance places or situations that I am involved with through a unique leadership blend.
The holistic approach is about treating the whole of a thing or person, not just a part.
When I was a child, I had a funny feeling about the holistic nature of life.
I felt connected to things that I didn't necessarily see but were very much present. I was conscious of being both very big and very small, conscious of being in a certain way and its opposite at the same time.
As a teenager, I had great difficulty defining myself, an exercise that gave me the impression that I had to put myself in a box that was too narrow and specific, so in order to get out of the discomfort caused by these sensations, I took a sure stance to define myself in such and such a way and to better fit into the boxes that seemed to be what was expected of me. Inside, I knew that I was maintaining appearances in the way I thought was in line with the expectations of others and that I would have to enrich myself with subtlety and delicacy, but I was making my way this way.
As a student, I was still deeply uneasy about this, which an untrained eye did not always perceive because I knew how to blend in with the expected appearance.
Then I grew, experienced and matured until I gradually removed the discomfort that this holistic approach created in me and finally accepted it completely and understood that my whole being was made that way. It's not something you change.
It is part of my internal structure and defines who I am, how I think, how I approach life.
It is now both a great relief to have reconciled those dots in me and a real joy to be equipped with this real organic navigational tool. As soon as anyone is willing to consider an unconventional way of looking at things, I share what's deep in me and encourage them to open themselves to explore what being holistic means to them. Because from my point of view, a holistic approach is the necessary counterpart of a powerful strategy. Without a systemic vision, there is no global understanding of a context and its components.
This requires an ability to look for information and clues in many different ways. Some systems are more complex than others because they are less transparent and require more time to navigate in order to understand how to obtain useful information. This said, the information is always there, it is part of the collective consciousness, whether we are able to capture it or not. In other words, no question remains unanswered, but do we always accept the answer we receive, or do we implement a strategy, conscious or unconscious of preferring the answer that suits us best?
Taking a holistic approach to life has allowed me to open up to realities that I would not otherwise have considered. It has been the basis of many learnings and has allowed me to adapt to multiple parts of the great whole that is planet Earth, thus allowing for many experiments.
Adopting a holistic approach in any situation is very useful and nurtures many key skills to go through one's life path as serenely as possible, especially in relation to others: treat a person as a whole humain being, openness to diversity, emotional intelligence, intuition, empathy for example.
I am constantly learning how to use and develop this approach but one thing is sure, it no longer makes me uncomfortable at all. It has instead become a pillar that I rely on every day and that I put forward in what makes me unique.
Visual design: Opal