Human beings are like seeds: when nurtured their potential can materialise into a beautiful plant. I have progressively become aware of my own seed composition so I can bring what makes me who I am and re-balance places or situations that I am involved with through a unique leadership blend.
In simple words, strategizing is building the best possible plan at time T to get from point A to point B by taking into account all the factors and influences of the moment, what the past has taught us and possibly what we can identify for the future.
We begin by determining point A and point B, and then align ourselves around a common goal, "we" being an individual or a group.
We are all potential strategists and we all started from the moment we were born into this life through all of the first learnings about the body, the senses, the emotions.
Typically, moving from the crawling to being and standing in balance required a strategy to get from the couch to the library without falling. First there were the intermediate steps: go around the room, clinging to all the available surfaces to start getting your bearings (the same with the swimming pool to learn how to swim), test and integrate the notion of standing balance, gaining confidence with someone's help and then one day when everything is ready, body, mind, emotions, go for it.
For establishing a strategy is not just a mental exercise, it goes far beyond that. Of course, mental faculties are essential to achieve this, but they are only useful in the service of a great whole that integrates many other dimensions: our consciousness.
It took me a long time to accept to be strategic, to behave like a strategist. Unconsciously, I first waited for someone to say it about me before I could say it without discomfort or misplaced pride.
Why was this? Because deep down inside me, there was this belief that being a strategist necessarily involved some manipulation and a personal willingness to move forward without worrying if it was to the detriment of others (people, the planet, etc.).
Little by little, with experience, I defined what I wanted and especially what I didn't want my strategic abilities to be used for.
Life is a succession of more or less complex strategies and every decision is a step in a certain direction. It is up to us to determine in full consciousness the direction we want to take.
A lot of experiences and time have been needed to neutralise this skill, to naturally associate it with who I am and dare to assert myself as such.
Because a strategy is the reflection of a vision. Why and for what purpose do I implement such and such a strategy? In which vision? What is the intention?
In my journey, I had to go through all kinds of experiences to clarify my intentions, to refine my understanding of my place in the world, my role, what is essential for me, what is right for me before I could allow myself to be strategic.
We all have a strategic mind, every human being has this potential. So, what blocks it and why doesn't it materialize in our lives? What prevents us from allowing ourselves to be strategic? What are the intentions and purposes for which we put our strategic potential at the service of?
I have learnt I can be strategic in every moment of my life, in all its aspects, because I am aware of my potential and I know what I want to use it for.
And you?
Visual design: Opal